
Showing posts from 2013

"True Will" directed by Jim Hickcox

So I had the privilege of being cast in a short film called "True Will' , directed by UT grad Jim Hickcox. It lasted for 4 days( 3 days for me) and it was the best experience EVER! The location, make-up, wardrobe, cast, crew, everything was AMAZING and Kick-ASS! Shelter( Molly Karrasch) & Kong(Ally Payne) It really got me thinking about how I could do this for the rest of my life. It will defiantly be an experience I'll never forget! I have a couple of auditions coming up soon and the theater play I was going to be apart of got switch to a TV show! I'm so excited for what the future has in store for me as far as acting and film making goes and I will defiantly post my journey on here for your viewing pleasure. :) ALSO, find pictures on my instagram: @ allyjpayne Break a Leg! Ally Payne


Well hello stranger!   I 'm soooooooo sorry it took me so long to make a post. I've been super busy these past couple of weeks.    I got an adorible puppy named Dior May, and I got cast in a short film!    We just wrapped on the 2nd day of shooting but I'm going to make separate post about each of the days. I guess this was a quick "hello" to let you know I'm not dead. I'll make sure to get those post up soon, with pictures! :) Break a leg!  Ally - "Kong" ;) 

Disney Character Auditions: 10/10/13

So I'm here at my Disney auditions. When I arrived it was around 8:40am and there was already about 20 people here. Now it's 10 minutes to 9am and there's double that. I've heard about larger auditions being around 200 people so I wasn't sure how Austin would measure up. I know for the location it's pretty small so I don't think there will be more than 100, but the day is still early....only time will tell. :) All signed in for the first round of auditions. I'm 105. Pretty good number. Even though I was the 13th person in line they started a second sign in line with numberers 100+ so that's why I ended up getting 105. Anyways. Waiting for everyone to sign in so we can start. Not nervous yet. Hope it says that way.  Part2____________ Sorry about this late post. I've been pretty busy these past couple of days! To make a long story short I got cut after the first round. I think they were looking for taller cast members. But hope is not lost

Biggest Audition of My Life! (so far...)

   Today I'm auditioning for a national commercial and I'm FREAKING OUT! This will be one of the most important auditions I've ever had and I'm super nervous! It's for a "family dining" restaurant and I'm hoping to get a part as one of the store associates. I also have 2 auditions for short films. One was taped and one is here in town.  I don't leave until this after noon so I'll make sure to post a Part 2 later. Wish me luck!    Part2:  So I just finished my short film audition. It went pretty well. Hopefully I got the part :). Now I'm at the "Big One" !!! Ahhhh I'm so nervous. I have 10 minutes before I walk in. Here we go... _____________________________________   Part3: Well it's been a week and sadly I didn't get the part. In fact I didn't get any part on anything I've recently audition for. I feel like I've lost my MoJo or something. I've been getting a lot of feed back like,&q

My First Industrial Video Shoot!

OH HAPPY DAYS! I was booked as an extra for an industrial video shoot for a big name computer company! I've always wanted to do at least one industrial in my acting career, just to see what it's like. At this shoot they were showing off a couple of printers and their wifi printing features. My role as an extra was to mostly sit and "work" on the computer, or chat with a near by co-worker. Along with video they also took photos. The production company was really cool and the director was nice. It was a pretty long shoot. The call time was 9am, We started filming around 10am, lunch was around 1or 2pm, and I wrapped around 6/7pm. Also, 6/7pm is when I found a parking ticket on my car windshield. :/ .... (lunch time) One of the actresses said she usually books a couple of project every month (mostly commercials) and that supports her. It got me thinking....maybe I could try auditioning for more commercials. I would say I'm pretty photogenic and I take dire

Never thought I would be doing this again...

Well here I am, on set as an extra for this horror film. I have nothing against background work, I just promised myself that I would only do it if I was getting payed. Yet here I am, getting payed with generic granola bars and hopefully a slice of pizza.  I decided to come here because #1) I needed to take my mind off of the scam that I posted yesterday. And #2) it's been awhile since I've been In front of the camera. Also, I love watching other actors work and seeing how they handle them self on set.  This has me thinking about trying other jobs behind the camera. I've done PA work and loved it but I'm worried ill get stuck there and ill never get back in front of the camera. I guess I'll think about it some more while I wait to get called to set.               (Prop they gave me.) PART2: So we filmed a scene towards the end of the movie where we wait for the magic words," Are there any questions?" And we all jump out of our seats. So far it's been c

Success & SCAMS!

Hello Again! I know it's been awhile but I have FINALLY moved to Austin, Texas and I feel right at home! Also the weather today has been wonderful so I thought to myself, "Time to stay indoors and find auditions!" A lot has happened since moving here. I got rejected(BADLY) by a top talent agent. Got new headshots:   Got cast on a couple of projects, but there's one I really want to talk about...... So, I'm not into bashing companies and people because that is not in my as much as I want to...I'll leave out their names(even though I really REALLY want to put them down!). But if you're in the Houston area I wouldn't mind telling you the company name in an email. Anyways.... I got an audition about a company who's looking for talent,no experience necessary, and it pays(RED FLAG #1). So I go to the building and there's a young man ahead of me and I can hear his audition pretty well. I get handed the same sides as he did to l

Head Shots in Austin!

HELLO ALL! So I  finally got the chance to head back home to Texas and while I was there I scheduled a photo shoot with Beverly Guhl! She does amazing head shots and I'm so lucky that I found her website! Take a look at some of the pictures: I'm SOOO impressed with her work! I will definitely go back to her in the future. Plus she's a total sweetheart!!! Check out her website HERE .  Also check out my imdb page !  XOXO, Ally

Allow myself to introduce...myself.

I honestly hate writing about myself. It's so awkward! I don't want to sound too formal, but I don't want to be all over the place! So I guess I'll have to start from the beginning.(This might take awhile...) I've always had this crazy thought in my head that maybe, just maybe , I could be an actress. And it wasn't always an actress. Somedays it would be a singer, dancer,or even a costume designer! I had to have an "un-normal, un-boring"   job! Being an entertainer was something I couldn't shake! Nobody else in my family(except for my younger sister) showed interest in this field so I was really confused! But my confusion quickly changed transparent! It was totally unexpected but completely worth it!  My mom was taking my sister to this summer acting workshop so naturally I followed. When we got there the director wanted me to audition as well since there wasn't a lot of kids joining this year. The audition was to sing a song...I cho