
Showing posts from June, 2014


   Well it's been a long time coming but it has finally happened…I GOT AN AGENT! YIPPIE! Hard work does pay off! I made a little video showing you my excitement so I hope you enjoy it. Tomorrow boring I have an audition for a major company so hopefully I can blog about that. Plus I may be a stand-in for a TV pilot as well! So many exciting things going on, and I'm glad I get to share them with you :).  Break a Leg, Ally

Audition for a LEAD ROLE!

HEY, HEY, HEY! I just uploaded my first Vlog on my official Youtube page so please go check out the video and SUBSCRIBE! In this video I talk about my audition I had and clips from my brothers graduation. I'm going to try and upload often and show you guys all of my behind-the-scenes footage! I'm excited to finally have my Vlog started! See you guys soon! Break A Leg, Ally Connect With Me:


GUYYYSSSSS!!!!!! So I decided to finally get an official website! :)))))))) I haven't paid for the domain yet but I would really like you all to check it out and tell me what you think. :) So far I like it and I feel it's a good next step for me. Here it is guys:  I hope it's everything you thought it would be,lol Break a leg, Ally

Filming, Facebook, and AGENTS!

Hey guys! So I've been pretty busy this past week. I had an industrial audition which was pretty exciting. Then I filmed the short 'What We Give'. The production company is  AMAA Productions  and it's directed by Dustin Butler. The story is so beautiful and it has a great message behind it. I had such an amazing time on set with the crew and my other cast member. My face loves getting beat up and dirty! lol I can't wait to show you guys when it's completed! And some more exciting news…..!!! I'm looking into getting represented with an agency! Hopefully all goes well and I'll be able to make a post about who I'm signed with and all that good stuff. Oh! And I'm also going to be apart of a project by Dyann Green, It's a 'Breaking Dawn:Part 2 Parody' and the script is so funny! I play Zafrina and I can't wait to start filming that at the end of the month. To donate so we can reach our goal go to the link HERE and like the m