
Showing posts from October, 2013

Disney Character Auditions: 10/10/13

So I'm here at my Disney auditions. When I arrived it was around 8:40am and there was already about 20 people here. Now it's 10 minutes to 9am and there's double that. I've heard about larger auditions being around 200 people so I wasn't sure how Austin would measure up. I know for the location it's pretty small so I don't think there will be more than 100, but the day is still early....only time will tell. :) All signed in for the first round of auditions. I'm 105. Pretty good number. Even though I was the 13th person in line they started a second sign in line with numberers 100+ so that's why I ended up getting 105. Anyways. Waiting for everyone to sign in so we can start. Not nervous yet. Hope it says that way.  Part2____________ Sorry about this late post. I've been pretty busy these past couple of days! To make a long story short I got cut after the first round. I think they were looking for taller cast members. But hope is not lost

Biggest Audition of My Life! (so far...)

   Today I'm auditioning for a national commercial and I'm FREAKING OUT! This will be one of the most important auditions I've ever had and I'm super nervous! It's for a "family dining" restaurant and I'm hoping to get a part as one of the store associates. I also have 2 auditions for short films. One was taped and one is here in town.  I don't leave until this after noon so I'll make sure to post a Part 2 later. Wish me luck!    Part2:  So I just finished my short film audition. It went pretty well. Hopefully I got the part :). Now I'm at the "Big One" !!! Ahhhh I'm so nervous. I have 10 minutes before I walk in. Here we go... _____________________________________   Part3: Well it's been a week and sadly I didn't get the part. In fact I didn't get any part on anything I've recently audition for. I feel like I've lost my MoJo or something. I've been getting a lot of feed back like,&q