Disney Character Auditions: 10/10/13

So I'm here at my Disney auditions. When I arrived it was around 8:40am and there was already about 20 people here. Now it's 10 minutes to 9am and there's double that. I've heard about larger auditions being around 200 people so I wasn't sure how Austin would measure up. I know for the location it's pretty small so I don't think there will be more than 100, but the day is still early....only time will tell. :)

All signed in for the first round of auditions. I'm 105. Pretty good number. Even though I was the 13th person in line they started a second sign in line with numberers 100+ so that's why I ended up getting 105. Anyways. Waiting for everyone to sign in so we can start. Not nervous yet. Hope it says that way. 


Sorry about this late post. I've been pretty busy these past couple of days! To make a long story short I got cut after the first round. I think they were looking for taller cast members. But hope is not lost! I will audition again in 6 months when they come back thru Texas. 


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