The Working Actress

So far, I have be really blessed this year.

A music video premiering later this fall, Jackrabbit premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival, got put on hold for a commercial (didn't get it though), on hold for a commercial right now (fingers crossed), and the best news of all… I'm Filming a movie this October in Michigan. I'll make a post on that later.

I've just been preoccupied the last couple of months with things non-acting related. But I'm finally back in the spirit of things, mainly because of this beautiful blog I fond recently:

I love her honesty, her hustle and the fact that she finally made it. She stopped posting in mid 2012 and it's an anonymous blog so who knows what she's up to now, I imagine it involves lots of movie premieres! :) My advise is to start from the beginning and read it all the way to the end.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that blog and say that I'm not dead. :) Hopefully I'll make a "real" post when my brain allows me to.

Break A Leg!

*I feel like I have said this before but just incase: Forgive the spelling errors,lol. I know there's probably a few in this post but my brain is dead right now so you'll just have to look past it.


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